Cindy Van Arnam | Full Blast Coaching

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3 Things to Know About Facebook to Help You Grow Your Online Coaching Business

Social media is a powerful tool that can help you build your business.

And believe me, I get it. It can be so noisy, and it seems like every time you log in to Facebook it’s nothing but ad after ad. As my late father used to say, ‘It’s a scheme to separate you from your money.’

So why the hell would you want to be on there and use it if it carries such perceived negativity?

Let me tell you a few things about Facebook (or any other platform for that matter) that have completely shifted my perspective and beliefs about social media, and how I use it for my business.

It isn’t everything.

Building an online business is a robust and complex eco-system and requires a heck of a lot more than posting an offer to social media on occasion. There are so many moving pieces to think about and it’s crucial to remember that although it’s a really cool (and FREE) tool that you can use - it ain’t everything.

Knowing this allows you to take a step back and remember that you’re only using it as part of the greater whole. You don’t have to be there all the time. You don’t need to get lost in the death scroll. And you certainly don’t need to be tied to your phone all the time.

You MUST be consistent.

It’s noisy out there! And in order to use this powerful tool to your advantage in a way that ACTUALLY works, you’re gonna have to show up. You’re gonna have to be consistent.

Yes - I mean you’re gonna have to post to social media EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

I don’t say this to torture you, or to keep you tied down, and in fact, in my coaching program, I teach several different simplicity techniques to make this posting super duper simple.

The thing is, if you don’t show up every day, your audience will get distracted. They will lose themselves in someone else’s content, they will forget you even exist, they won’t learn to trust you, and they’ll hire a different coach.

Let’s get real here - you’re in business right?! That means you have to have some skin in the game. And that means you have to show up for your audience, and your business, proving that you can be trusted and that you’re in it for the long haul.

It’s about building relationships.

Let’s take a look at social media from a different angle. For years, I’ve been hearing so many of my clients talk about their disillusionment with Facebook. And I get it!

It can be a trap of negativity, advertising, and silly games that can eventually waste away an entire day. It can feel like everyone is greasy and trying to sell you something.

And here’s where you can stand out from the crowd.

Here’s where you can remember that it is called SOCIAL media - and that you’re here to build relationships. This whole industry is built on the backbone of relationship-building, networking, and connections. So treat social media as such.

Imagine yourself logging into Facebook in the same manner that you might enter a room at a live event, ready to connect with like-minded and like-hearted people, ready to develop meaningful relationships and have amazing conversations.

When you can look at social media from this perspective, you can start to shift the paradigm in your mind about how you can use this incredibly powerful tool to enhance your business.

What do you think? Shout out in the comments and share your thoughts.