Cindy Van Arnam | Full Blast Coaching

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How I Overcame People Pleasing

It seemed I was always at the whim of someone else’s schedule.

I was the ultimate people-pleaser.  I defined my value by my ability to help others.  I was the first to jump to attention if someone needed anything.  I figured if I did more for others somehow I would get more love, more money, and more appreciation. 

As I built my business this became a real problem.  Instead of focusing on the important work and building my own dream, I deferred to other people’s dreams.  I gave their dream more attention than my own, and it drained me beyond belief.  I was in adrenal fatigue, broke, exhausted, and my relationships were falling apart at the seams. 

How did I get myself into this?!   

And it dawned on me.  Everyone always says to fill your own cup up first, but what the hell does that even mean?  Fill what cup?  And with what?

That was when I understood that doing things for others out of a place of obligation or trying to get something (like love, appreciation, or money), was the root cause.  It was time to step up and OWN my worth.

My value was not determined by my actions.  

My contribution to the world is so much more than getting shit done.  I spent every day breathing in value.  I opened myself up to the awareness of life - that I have value simply by being here and having breath.  

I made a decision that I was worthy.  

Was it easy?  Hell no!  Years of conditioning, and a lifetime of being told to work hard had to be undone.  It required understanding the Universal Law of Timing and deep forgiveness.  It required being willing to reprogram the neuron pathways in my brain.  It required commitment. 

And on the other side of that commitment, I have learned that I make more money when I’m contributing my value instead of focusing on my to-do list.  I understand that devotion to my own dream is my contribution to the world, and I am no longer accountable to other people’s agendas. 

I wake up every morning focused on my own business.  I wake up curious about what I will create today that will be of benefit.  

I don’t check my emails first thing in the morning to see what other people need or want from me.  I don’t go straight to social media to find out who loves or appreciates me.  I wake up in deep gratitude for my own value, my own worth, and my own contribution - and then I check the messages once I’ve filled my own cup with what I want that day.  

Do you find yourself focused on your dream or everyone else’s? Let me know in the comments how this resonates with you.