How to Create a Signature Offer That Sells With Ease

You have a lot of modalities, a lot of skills, and probably a few certifications that you’ve gathered over the years - but most of all what you have available to you and know how to use well is your intuition. 

You are tapped in, and you deeply understand how to help your clients get the results they want.  As a healer or an online coach, you know that you can trust yourself during sessions to guide the client through any process that is going to help them shift themselves. 

And you’re probably offering one-off sessions because you don’t know how to create an offer that stands out and sets you apart from the crowd.  Maybe you haven’t yet figured out how to pull all of your modalities and magic together into something that makes sense. 

How do you even explain the magical work you do anyway? 

The Divine Timing cycle weaves through every aspect of our lives, and you’d better believe it weaves through your business and your offer too.  So, if you’re not sure how to pull a program together, begin to look at the stages of Divine Timing and how you can leverage each of the stages to create a transformational offer. 

The first three steps are where you begin.

Awareness is EVERYTHING

  • What do you want your client to know?

  • What do you want to share with them?

  • Is there something they need to learn in order to achieve the results they are looking for?

  • (HINT:  Teach them something new).

  • Include this in every segment of your signature offer. For example, if you are meeting once a week for six weeks, include an awareness piece at the beginning of each session.

Acceptance of What Is

  • Has your client come to terms that the results they desire are possible for them?

  • Have they worked through the pieces they believe are holding them back?

  • Are they ready to shift their limiting beliefs and step into what’s possible?

  • (HINT: Walk them through an exercise)

  • You want them to move through a piece of their limiting beliefs during each session so that they feel like they’re making progress. What needs to shift for them in order to move forward, and how can you help facilitate this shift?

Cindy shows healers and online coaches how to create transformational coaching offers.


  • Is your client willing to do the work?

  • Are they ready and willing to choose a new experience for themselves?

  • Are they committed to experiencing the result they want?

  • (HINT: Give them homework)

  • It is in their own work where they see the results. Your client will need something to do to implement or integrate the work done in the session. Give them something to focus on in between sessions so they recognize they are the ones doing the work.

There are 3 more stages to the Law of Divine Timing that support us in unlocking an incredibly powerful transformational program that will have your clients shifting into the results they’ve always desired with ease.

Download the Weekly Divine Timing PDF and map out your own Divine Timing Cycle, while also learning the three other stages.


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