Unleash your Full Potential

Numerology takes away the research and give you the cheat sheet

Break free of what’s not working.

Here’s the key that unlocks the door to everything you ever wanted.

Wowza! The information and in-depth wisdom Cindy offers is powerful! I’ve begun to understand myself & the timing of my life unfolding clearly! Numerology has given me clarity and a more defined path to live life by! The reward of this investment is limitless!!

~ Mira Rocca

Numerology is a gateway to self-awareness

If you have only just learned of numerology and are curious or if you are ready to dive in and get a year-long report - you are in the right place.

This is where it all begins.

What do playing cards have to do with numerology?

  • As far as I am aware, the cards (Book of Life) were given to us through our ancestors sometime before Ancient Egypt.

    They were quickly disguised through other systems such as Tarot, Oracle, Enneagram, and Human Design and playing card games etc. to preserve their integrity so that we one day could return to them.

    The cards were given to us as a roadmap to experience a karma-free life and to show us the pathway to our fullest potential.

    Karma is the pattern we play out from lifetime to lifetime. When we choose to live our chart, we can see karma clearly and live free of it.

    When we are free of karma we can create an extraordinary life.

  • The Book of Life is a deck of playing cards. (The one you played Poker with)

    There are 4 suits of 13 cards each, totaling 52 cards.

    There are 4 Seasons.

    There are 52 weeks in a year.

    When you add up the face value of every card in the deck it comes to 364 + the Joker which comes to 365.

    The Book of Life carries the key to our year and our entire life path.

  • It’s simple. Each date on the calendar corresponds with a birth card. Use the chart below to find yours.

  • Yes, of course you can! That is a great place to start.

    Numerology is an intuitive science. Since 2019 I have studied and followed these numbers down every rabbit hole and I haven’t even scratched the surface.

    I will show you what you need to know.

    When to take action, when to pause and I will walk you through the divine timing cycle throughout the year.

    I share with you how you are going to think, feel and express through the year (and your life).

    I help you look at the relationships in our life and business and help you break the karma and understand the relationship more so that you can break the karma.

    I see potential pitfalls and possibilities. I specifically talk about finances, relationships and health, greatest obstacles, and your gifts in your year or life and I show you the #1 key to unlocking all of it.

    Numerology is the language of the universe and as cool as Google is, it doesn’t have the ability to channel and translate that language like a human to another human can.

What’s your Birth Card?

  1. Click on the photo with your birthday on it.

  2. Find your card.

  3. Read below to learn what your card means.

What the Suits Express


  • Hearts are about the self, love, emotional frequency and self-actualization.

    Hearts are a window into the very first step of who we are, our soul, our essence.

    The hearts are the emotional landscape, the feeling of our feelings, the thing that we want to skip over the most .

    They represent the Universal law of One, connection and belonging. They want to be in community.

    Connection matters more than anything else, you want to belong, and sometimes you can be people pleasers.

    You feel deeply, and perhaps you’ve been described as an empath. You are usually of service to the world, you just want to love.

    You feel like you wear your heart on your sleeve. Most hearts tend to be cryers, sometimes you feel like a misfit because you feel so deeply.

    While the rest of the world is doing, you are feeling. You just want to feel your feelings and belong.

  • I am living my extraordinary life & I love myself.


  • The clubs are career focused and they want to express themselves through written and spoken communication.

    Communication is a challenge until it’s embraced. You desire to share wisdom with the world, you want to voice your truth, you want to express the wisdom that is flowing through you and it’s the one thing that you resist the most.

    Most of your attention is in the mind, you channel easily, you spend a lot of time thinking, questioning, contemplating and you are very curious.

    Your mind wants to figure out the how. You have a deep desire for learning, knowledge and information.

  • I am living my extraordinary life when I’m expressing my truth.


  • You love to play in God’s playground and to create in the material world.

    You love things, nature, beauty, being on this Earth, and it is the one thing you resist the most.

    Your dialogue is often one of ‘I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy, I’m not doing enough.’

    The diamonds are all about value and understanding that it comes from within.

    Spiritual development is required in order to understand how the material world works.

    You are very much in your body.

    You want to see your worth, feel it, and witness it returned to you.

  • I am living my extraordinary life when I embody and know my worth.


  • You are on a quest for higher meaning.

    You know that there is more to this world that meets the eye.You walk the line between material and unseen world. You see things that the rest of the world does not see.

    You can be career focused with a deep spiritual connection. Ambition and overwork can wear you down.

    You hold hands with God. You are the bridge between the spiritual and material world.

    You give the rest of the suits the awareness of their infinite nature and that this material world is not all there is.

    Spiritual connection is the thing you resist the most and being trapped in the material world is what causes you the most challenge.

    You want the material and the spiritual as one.

  • I am living my extraordinary life when I accept myself as a multi-dimensional being.

What is a Master Numerologist?

I guide you in the journey of discovering how to live your life based on your chart by seeing your patterns, witnessing them, and learning to trust yourself.

You will be brought home to yourself, feel that you belong, express your truth, know your innate value, and live your life according to your understanding of spirituality.

You will learn to navigate, unlock and leverage the Divine Timing Cycle so you can choose your extraordinary life forward!

Sharon Dunlap

“When I received my numerology report from Cindy my mouth dropped. I was in awe of all the insight & my life right before my eyes. Cindy showed me what I was experiencing in the now and what the future holds through the numbers.

My report is a guidance system that is worth its weight in gold. The reading provided the path ways ahead which gave me peace, excitement and more clarity in my life.

My daily actions and connections with myself and others became stronger. I feel more confident knowing that I am walking with the numbers. We are walking together as one and I feel free.”

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