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Grounded Faith, Grateful Action
You are the one who decides what your version of extraordinary looks like, financially, emotionally, and mentally. It isn’t your job to know HOW it will come to be, only to choose what you want, commit to the path, and trust in the unfolding. Loving the journey with absolute gratitude tells the Universe of your commitment. Don’t be wishy-washy when it comes to your dreams.
Stand Firm In Your Foundation and Get Ready To Move (Numerology Forecast for the Week of June 26, 2023)
Start the week off with a strong commitment to building your dream, and use the energy to your advantage to get work done on a major project. The energy is ripe for you to get things done and move the needle forward on your dream. And as we move toward the end of the week, hold on to your hat, because things are about to get a little wild. Expect the unexpected and create a lot of space for new ideas and possibilities to open up for you.
How To Create Magical Content that Attracts and Converts
Posting to social media every day isn’t the ONLY thing you need to be doing - as creating a successful online healing and coaching business is more complex than that - BUT, it is one of the major players in attracting new people, and showing your audience that you can be trusted.
Marketing and Promotion for Healers and Online Coaches
I worked with a mentor for many years who taught me that I didn’t have to market myself and that we needed to rethink the way we use promotion. At the time I agreed with a lot of what she said because 80% of this work is energetic, but I learned a deep lesson around it too.
Shift Your Beliefs, Shift Your World
Every experience you have is a direct reflection of your inner landscape of thoughts and emotions. Notice your circumstances with curiosity and childlike wonder, and ask yourself what beliefs are serving you and which ones aren’t. You are in the driver’s seat and you get to decide the thoughts and beliefs you want to hold on to.
Don’t Postpone Your Dreams Because Of Your Story Around Money
Actively seek positive thinking patterns around your wealth, and remember that the story you’re telling yourself is a direct reflection of your own self-worth. You are already the best version of you that you can be in this moment. There is nothing wrong with you, and you are not broken.
Pivot Your Beliefs With Curiosity (Numerology Forecast for the Week of June 19)
Approach your business this week with childlike wonder, curiosity and an open mind. There is an opportunity to see a new truth and make powerful choices based on this new awareness. Bring your mind back into your heart regularly and remember you don't have to have it all figured out. Trust that all will be revealed as you take action.
Growth Happens At The Edge of Your Comfort Zone
The first time I ever went live on Facebook, all those thoughts above went racing through my mind. I was terrified, and my little brain was actively seeking ways to sabotage my efforts to be more visible and speak my truth.
Break The Starving Artist Complex and Choose To Thrive
Your soul knows its own value. Your programmed brain is the only thing standing in the way of your extraordinary. You are more powerful than your brain. You always have a choice in how you experience this life. Are you choosing to stay in lack or are you choosing wealth?
Make Powerful Decisions From Love Not Fear (Numerology Forecast for Week of June 12, 2023)
Make powerful decisions for yourself and your business and make a choice from love and faith. Ground into your decision with dedication and devotion. Commit to your choice without needing to have it all figured out. Get creative and curious and let go of what's not a match. Be mindful about money worries. Plant seeds and attract powerful new connections. Slow down, move your body, stay hydrated, and get out of your head during the New Moon in Gemini.
Are you overwhelmed be the complex world of coaching?
You get to choose to have clarity, learn technology in fun and simple ways, shift your money story so that inviting someone into your work doesn’t feel like you want to throw up, and you get to choose to feel confident, take daily action, and know exactly what the hell you’re doing.
Stop Procrastination in Its Tracks
I know you don’t really want to hold yourself back. I know you didn’t sign up for this life to be mediocre. I know you didn’t come into this life with a decision to play small, live in survival mode and simply scrape by with a mind full of excuses as to why you can’t have what you want.
It Is Your Time to Boldly and Unapologetically Shine
You have a big dream and it is time for you to stand up tall and claim your legacy. Go get the thing you have been dreaming about. Do not be afraid of criticism. Be your own greatest cheerleader and don't worry about what other people think.
Innovation, Income and Impact
The old ways of thinking and doing business don't work anymore and there is no such thing as a cookie-cutter strategy that will work for everyone. You must explore and learn to express your true authenticity and stand out from the crowd.
Be The Change You Want To See in The World
I help healers and online coaches be magically visible & feel confident online so they can create their first 10K months and beyond through the power of self-mastery, self-expression, and creating a sandbox for your intuition to play in.
The Fastest Way To Make ZERO Money in Your Coaching Business
One of the most important - and often overlooked misconceptions is our relationship with our finances and how we are investing. The money you’re currently making in your business is a direct reflection of your relationship with finances, and something I highly recommend looking at regularly.
The Rhythm of Your Business and Creating Balance
Excellence is about understanding this timing cycle, and not judging yourself for any stage that you’re in. When you are quiet and introspective, you can know the timing and realize you need not judge yourself for being still. When you are so busy you’ve forgotten to shower and eat, you need not judge yourself for being in massive action.
How to Create a Signature Offer That Sells With Ease
You are tapped in, and you deeply understand how to help your clients get the results they want. As a healer or an online coach, you know that you can trust yourself during sessions to guide the client through any process that is going to help them shift themselves.
The Big Picture of Your Business and Staying The Course
Building and operating a coaching business, as a healer, a teacher, or a mentor, isn’t for everyone. It can be daunting to look at the million and one different ideas and perspectives and try to figure out all the moving pieces. It is easy to get caught up in the mundane of the day-to-day operations and forget how important it is to remember the big picture.
Strategy and Intuition Working Together (For Spiritual Coaches)
Winging it and hoping for the best is not a great way to build a business. Spiritual coaches are amazing at leaning on their intuition to guide them, and yet, it is the strategy that fits the intuitive nudges that will get you to the goal line. If you want to create impact and income in your online business you will need a strategy that fits you. Having a plan is crucial so that you can focus on the things you love doing in your business while also having a foundation that holds strong as you build.